Updated 2.2.2 English Translation File

I've again edited the English file. This version corrects the references to "rib", "rib manager" etc. and replaces those with "spar" since this section of the program is concerned with cutting spar holes, not ribs.

Many other changes and corrections were made. I hope these will all make the program easier to set up and understand intuitively, with less need to refer to Help.

If you'd like to try it out, please use this latest version (v.3) attached here, rather than the one posted earlier 1/6/2011 (v.2).

To add this edited English translation to your Jedicut for testing purposes:

1.) Close Jedicut. Download the attached zipped file (English.zip) and unzip it. You will have a file called "English.xml".

2.) Navigate to your Jedicut program folder. Then to the "Lang" folder inside that, and find the existing "English.xml" file. Rename that one to "English.old" or something similar.

3.) Move your new edited "English.xml" file into the Lang folder.

4.) Re-start Jedicut

5.) Done.
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