problem saving files

hi guys.
I have just acquired a foam cutter with an early version hobby cnc board and old lap top on xp. eventually got It running with jedicut, albeit really slow. if I up the cut speed the motors stall and don't sync.
my problem at the moment is, when I save changes to a file, jedicut reopens the previous version of the file. I am not pc literate. (possibly even dumb) so this is driving me nuts.

my next problem is I don't know how to cut a fuse that is longer than my x axis travel. I have tried creating two files with an interlocking joint. but when I look at in cut preview the two files appear to be in different scales.

as a side note. when close out of the options screen jedicut shuts down.
here I the two files
front half
0 0
0.095686 0.425447
0.481328 0.948825
1.17307 1.466142
2.131513 1.948179
3.329011 2.390905
4.747861 2.79376
6.374785 3.155985
8.198242 3.476587
10.207272 3.754496
12.390958 3.988788
14.738159 4.178854
17.2374 4.32449
19.876829 4.425944
22.644207 4.483947
25.526926 4.49972
28.512042 4.474968
31.586311 4.411858
34.736234 4.312985
37.948101 4.181329
41.208036 4.02021
44.502051 3.833227
47.816085 3.624201
47.816085 1.6
46 2
46 0
46 0
46 -2
47.816085 -1.6
47.816085 -3.6
47.816085 -3.624201
44.502051 -3.833227
41.208036 -4.02021
37.948101 -4.181329
34.736234 -4.312985
31.586311 -4.411858
28.512042 -4.474968
25.526926 -4.49972
22.644207 -4.483947
19.876829 -4.425944
17.2374 -4.32449
14.738159 -4.178854
12.390958 -3.988788
10.207272 -3.754496
8.198242 -3.476587
6.374785 -3.155985
4.747861 -2.79376
3.329011 -2.390905
2.131513 -1.948179
1.17307 -1.466142
0.481328 -0.948825
0.095686 -0.425447
0 0
rear half
100 0
100 .56
90.4 .56
90.4 .96
47.816085 3.624201
47.816085 1.6
46 2
46 0
46 0
46 -2
47.816085 -1.6
47.816085 -3.624201
100 1.2

Re: problem saving files

Hi Jeremi and welcome ! :)-D

1 - Speed settings
Do you you have an external timer on your hobby cnc board ? I don't think so.
What speed value do you use ? Remember that you have to reduce the value in Jedicut to increase the speed of your motors. And increase the value it to slow your motors.

2 - File you want to save
If you use an existing file, what extension has it ? Can you control if the file attribute is not "read only" (right click and properties on the file in Windows explorer).

3 - Fuse
I don't understand the story with two profiles... You have tu use cutting wizard to cut foam longer than your table. If the final shape is larger than x axis, you'll have to prepare profile on a specific software. Jedicut can't do this.

4 - Settings form that crash Jedicut
Thanks for the report. I'm working on it. Stay tune ;)
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