The main evolution of this release is the file generation in GCode, which you can use with the interpolator of your choice (LinuxCNC, GRBL …). To produce GCode file, you have to use the Jedicut cutting wizard (the reason is hard to explain …).

How to produce GCode for hot wire cutting with Jedicut

To use this new feature, simply go to the Jedicut options, section “Communication”. Select the “GCode” plugin.

You will see a new options page.

There are the options :

  • Directory in which the GCode files will be generated,
  • Name of the axes of the machine (XYUV, XYAB, XYZV …),
  • Unit of measurement (millimeters or inches),
  • Unit of time for breaks during cuttings,
  • Decimal separator (comma or point),
  • Including or not comments in the GCode,
  • Start caracters and end caracters for comments ( ‘ ( ‘ or ‘ %% ‘ or other characters),
  • Mode of speed control: constant when the interpolator takes care to adapt the speed, slaved when the interpolator does not know how to do it,
  • GCode file header commands.

In summary for the file header, there are several types of commands:

  • Static commands imposed by Jedicut (I think there are universal, if not, it will need to be corrected …),
  • Dynamic commands via free entry in the options of Jedicut,
  • Commands that can be set via Jedicut options (eg Unit of measurement).

After this configuration step, click “Machine” to adjust the speeds.

When using the GCode plugin, the settings page of the machine changes: the step and speed settings are grayed out (unusable) and the “Estimated in mm / s” fields are renamed to “Cutting speed” and “Fast speed”. And in the communication options page, 2 other fields are grayed out.

Enter the values ​​corresponding to your machine, and Jedicut will generate the G1 commands according to the cutting cycle you have chosen.

If you want to switch back to your parallel port or USB port configuration, simply select your communication plugin and you recover all your settings as before.

A new plugin

To anticipate next evolutions, I created a new plugin in the options of Jedicut which is called… GCode.dll.

This plugin is for the moment an empty shell (or almost). It is currently not available on the GitHub page of Jedicut, but the code will be published soon.

Bugs fixed / Improvements

  • 2 icons were not the right in the main menu,
  • The heating did not work when a single motor was rotated from the manual control interface,
  • An error in the management of the heating caused its malfunction,
  • Optimization of heating management in the window of confirmation of the cut,
  • The toolbar display was partially false after opening a file.
  • The background of Jedicut has some new illustrations,
  • Jedicut help files in CHM format is deleted, it is no longer open when pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. This file format is obsolete, and documentation is no longer up to date. In the future the documentation will only be on the site that I have to update.

If there are volunteers to help me writing the documentation and translate it, leave a message on the forum ;)

Jedicut translation

2 new paragraphs have been added in Jedicut translation files:

  • <FrameNavGCode1> … </ FrameNavGCode1>
  • <FrameOptionGCode1> … </ FrameOptionGCode1>

Only the French and English translations are up to date. All other languages ​​will have English.

If you want to translate these new paragraphs, or offer new languages, there are several possibilities:

For people who are interested in the GCode, a discussion (in French) is very animated on the forum, especially thanks to Alain who published a super guide explaining how to begin on the adventure of the GCode with an Arduino Mega, modified GRBL, and an MM2001 card (and not only…).

Here is the link to this documentation:

Download Jedicut for free on the download page.

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